Tag: photography
Winter Sun
I made this photo on a nice winter day. Playing around with the Pixelmator app on iPad I created this abstract alternate version of it. If you are processing photos on your iPad I do recommend checking out Pixelmator. It’s a great app which gives you a lot of creative possibilities.
Making clouds
While driving to work I pass a large industrial site everyday. Especially in the winter the early morning hours often provide some spectacular images when the sun is just rising above the horizon. I use my iPhone to capture these images and will edit them on my phone or on my iPad. For editing I…
Silver and Light
I came across this beautiful documentary today. It’s about the wet plate photography of Ian Ruhter and it is just amazing. It shows the process of creating something extraordinary, by hand. It’s photography at it’s rawest form, resulting in unique one of a kind images.
I had a day off today and kind of planned to shoot some more time lapses but the weather was very foggy this morning so I watched an episode of chasejarvisLIVE where he talked with photographer Zack Arias which I had in my to-watch-backlog. They talk about photography, creativity, self doubt and everything a photographer…