Today, I visited Photokina in Cologne, Germany. It’s a photo/video tradeshow held every two years. The main reason I went to Photokina was to check out Cinevate’s new add-on kits for their Atlas slider family: motion control. The add-on kit…
Prepairing for shooting my first narrative short film
I remember when I was a kid a friend and me had a lot of Star Wars figures and wanted to make a Star Wars based sci-fi stop motion film. Of course that never happened but I guess, somewhere in…
My Experience With A Chinese “Like ARRI” Fresnel Light
More than a year ago I bought one of those “like ARRI” 650W Fresnel spots on eBay. I was just starting buying some filmmaking gear and it was the first “decent” light I bought. I want to share my experience with it…
LEGO Turing Machine video on the Biowall
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Randy Scope, the director of content of the BioWall in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. He asked me if my LEGO Turing Machine video could be part of the programming of the BioWall.…
Getting Old Cubase Files From Atari ST To PC
I posted an article about this a little while ago and have since found a solution to get my old files into my current version of Cubase which is running on my studio PC on Windows. I tried exporting and importing and…
The Weird Sound Generator
Some time ago I promised Ralf and David, the sons of two friends, we would do an electronics DIY soldering project together. They were always drooling over my modular so I wanted to built something with them to get them a…
What Happened To Your Dreams?
Jeremiah McDonald made a very amusing and touching video where he talks to his 12 year old self. While talking to his younger self he discovers his childhood dreams again and wonders what happened to them. [youtube width=”560″ height=”315″]http://youtu.be/XFGAQrEUaeU[/youtube] It’s…
Customer Showcase on cinevate.com
Two weeks ago I e-mailed Cinevate about the LEGO Turing machine video I made and asked them to consider it for their regular “Customer Showcase”. Purely coincidental, later that same day, I had a short chat on Google+ with Dennis…
The Last Couple of Days Have Been Awesome
I finished editing the LEGO Turing Machine film last Sunday night and uploaded it to Vimeo. Monday morning the team at CWI started sending out the message to the world. What happened after that is nothing less than amazing. None…
LEGO Turing Machine video
I finished editing the video of the LEGO Turing Machine. You can watch it below. There is also a YouTube version of the video if you prefer to watch it there. Although there are a couple of things that I…
Lego Turing Machine video shoot
Today I shot a promo video for CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) in Amsterdam. They built a working Turing Machine out of Lego building blocks for their upcoming exhibition about Alan Turing and wanted a promo video they could use…
Tell – A new short film by Ryan Connely
“Tell” is the a new short film by Ryan Connolly, the creator of Film Riot, “the show that takes the mystery out of the effects and techniques that go into some of your favorite Hollywood films”. It’s a well made,…