A lucky find Some time ago I bought a Yamaha EX-5 on eBay. As it was located close by I drove there to pick it up myself. While talking to the seller she mentioned she had more stuff for sale.…
Last shoot for a concert short film project
The project Last weekend I shot the last short film for a project that started in November of last year. A brass band will be performing brass arrangements of famous film soundtracks in a theatre. While the music is performed…
Last Rays
I shot this image on iPhone while taking an evening walk a couple of days ago. Processed with Pixelmator and Fotor.
Public release of “I Want To Believe” today!
Today is the public release of my short sci-fi film “I Want To Believe”. It’s a film about a man who discovers that what he believes is actually true. This knowledge however, comes at a price… “I Want To Believe”…
Public release of “I Want To Believe” on July 1st!
With the festival run in the back mirror it is time for the public release of my short film “I Want To Believe”. The release date is set for July 1st! It has been a long journey. A quick recap.…
Evil Empire
Shining Through
“I Want To Believe” invited to Cellu l’Art Short Film Festival
I received an e-mail from the head of organisation of the Cellu l’art Short Film Festival with the invitation to be part of the Shock Block section of the festival. Cellu l’Art will be held from 21st to 26th April…
Winter Sun
I made this photo on a nice winter day. Playing around with the Pixelmator app on iPad I created this abstract alternate version of it. If you are processing photos on your iPad I do recommend checking out Pixelmator. It’s…
An obscured View
Making a Digital Cinema Package (DCP) for my short film
My short film “I Want To Believe” has been screened at several film festivals. Until now I have always send a 20 Mbps mpeg4 file to the festival for screening. However, two weeks ago my film was selected by the Landshut…