Author: Andre Theelen
cjLIVE with Zoë Keating
Chase Jarvis had cellist Zoë Keating on his cjLIVE show last week. I had never heard of her before but was impressed by her remarkable live performance on the show. She uses a computer during her performance which basically allows her to record and loop recorded pieces of her performance while playing so it sounds…
n-e-r-v-o-u-s system – generative computational design
Sometime last year I discovered Nervous Systems, a Massachusetts based design studio run by +Jessica Rosenkrantz and Jesse Louis-Rosenberg. They create beautiful, organic looking, objects (mainly jewellery and housewares) using generative computational design methods. One of my favorites is the Hyphae Lamp, which is shown to the right. They also allow for customers…
Cubase: Atari ST and PC
Today I converted my old Atari ST disks to PC formatted disks that I could read on my PC. On the Atari disks were old Cubase 2.0 files of tracks I made during the 90’s. I would like to import them in Cubase 6.5 on PC so I can play around with them a bit.…
Cinevate – Innovative gear for filmmakers
I recently bought the 35″ version of the Atlas 10 slider and the Trawly wheels set from Cinevate during their Moving Sale. The Atlas 10 slider is primarily meant to be used with DSLRs but can also be used with smaller sized video camera’s as it has a maximum weight allowance of 18kg (40 lbs). I…
A beautiful short film by David Parker. What would happen if light became liquid…? [vimeo][/vimeo]
Cubase Studio 6.5
This weekend I installed Steinberg’s Cubase Studio 6.5 on my studio PC, a rather old Windows XP machine. As I have a lot of physical MIDI gear I don’t expect to use a lot of the included virtual gear so processor bandwidth will not be an issue (I hope). It is a dedicated studio PC…
New tripod: Sirui T-1204X
I have been looking for a decent tripod for photography use which doesn’t cost a fortune. I have been using an old aluminium tripod. It’s an old one but it gets the job done. However, it’s rather heavy and big so it’s not something I want to carry along when hiking for example. Recently I…
Melting Ice
The cold weather of the last couple of weeks has ended and all snow has melted. In some places however, thick layers of ice are still melting as the temperature stays above zero degrees most of the time now. Today, while walking my daughter to school, my eye caught these beautiful patterns in the melting…
And We Have A Winner!
Today I found out that the Light Painting Buchlaesque photo I posted a couple of weeks ago was selected as picture of the week for the I Dream Of Wires Modular Synthesizer Photo Contest! I’m really excited about that. Check out the post on Matrixsynth or the I Dream Of Wires Facebook page for more…
You Don’t Take a Photograph, You Make It
It’s a quote from well-known photographer Ansel Adams. And it’s true. It doesn’t mean you have to spent countless hours in Photoshop or Lightroom to “fix” your photo. Far from it. It also doesn’t mean that “taking photos” equals taking snapshots which have no value except to the person who took them. It means you…
Impressions of Outer Reaches Studio
While shifting through my video projects directory I came across an old video I made back in 2008 of my home recording studio. I named my studio after the title of the first audio cassette I released with Syndrone in 1992. The video was shot with a Canon XH-A1 and Letus Extreme 35mm adapter. I…
Light Painting Buchlaesque
Experimented with light painting today. This photo was taken at 40mm with a shutter speed of 20 seconds and an aperture of f14. ISO was at 400. While taking the picture the room was pitch black and I used a small flash light to paint the light during exposure. I entered the I Dream of…